Cloud Solutions
Cloud Solutions
7 Key IT Security Statistics your Business Needs to Know
7 Key IT Security Statistics your Business Needs to Know
7 Key IT Security Statistics your Business Needs to Know
7 Key IT Security Statistics your Business Needs to Know
7 Key IT Security Statistics your Business Needs to Know
Cloud Data Center Services
Placing Your Servers in Strategic's Cloud Data Center allows your business to take advantage of the Cloud and can drastically improve performance, reliability, and lower costs.
SSAE16 Audited
Strategic's Data Center Hosting is based on SSAE (Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements) 16 Type II and CSAE (Canadian Standard on Assurance Engagements) 3416 certifications. This means our DataCenter undertakes an independent and in-depth audit of control activities, including management of technology and related hosting and network services provided to our customers to ensure a high level of performance and security.
High Performance Connectivity
Our Network Infrastructure provides fast and reliable network services to clients in the Data Center facility. The data center networks offer over 47 different internet connections with speeds up to 10GBps, offering high performance and redundant Internet connectivity. The data center network includes numerous upstream connections, hundreds of peers, IPv4 or IPv6 support as well as dark fiber connectivity.
Controlled Access
We follow the Principle of Least Privilege—Strategic clients hosted in our data center facility have access to their systems only on separate networks and VLANs. Additionally, different levels of access can be provided ensuring client's staff only have access to information and systems essential to their work duties. We also can provide an audit trail and access log to review at any time if any problems arise.
Regulatory Compliance
Strategic's Data Center is built with stringent compliance regulations in mind. Built-in security ensures your IT platform is designed for HIPAA, HITECH, SOX, and PCI compliance. Strategic's Data Center facility is HIPAA compliant under the SSAE 16 controls for the storage and processing of data using its managed services and data center infrastructure. Strategic's Data Center has a long and successful history of serving HIPAA compliant customers in the healthcare industry
Move from the Closet to the Cloud
With a properly configured VPN and high speed direct network connectivity, you can run any of your production servers out of the Data Center.
Exchange Servers
SQL Database and Application Servers
Remote Desktop and Citrix Servers
File Servers
Web Servers
Always On, Always Available
Strategic's Data Center is fed by multiple power providers, each providing massive killowatts of electricity. The facility also maintains and regularly tests large Diesel generators in the event power is disrupted to keep the facility operating. The Data Center also maintains up to 47 different ultra high-speed, redundant connections guaranteeing high performance connectivity no matter what the scenario.
"When Hurricane Sandy hit, our people were able to keep on working thanks to the fact that all of our servers and data were in Strategic's Data Center."
Aldo Cantia | CTO, Finitia Pharmaceutials
Strategic's Cloud Data Center maximizes Server availability.
Our redundant architecture is built around ensuring your system doesn't goes down in the event of power loss, internet disruption, and other business interruptions.
Our facility guarded by 24x7x365 manned security, multiple biometric scanners including retina scans, CCTV monitoring, dry system fire supression, redundant HVAC and much more.
Placing your Servers in Strategic's Data Center is the best way to keep your on-premise servers operating and reliable. Strategic's facility allows your company to reap the benefits of a top-tier data center without the high costs normally associated with co-location.